Thursday, August 20, 2009

Its that day again.

Once it is twelve,
I will be fourteen.
I grow up every year,
everyone does.
But this year, it's kind of different.
I think I am going to miss being thirteen.
It's like graduation, moving ahead,
officially part of teen hood, or at least closer to it.
I think thirteen, like eleven is the stage of innocence, confusion and the time where you can be just yourself,
then, things get harder.
School is stressful,
life is great, but a roller coaster,
the future lies ahead,
getting closer and closer,
so fast that one can no longer say it lies ahead anymore.
It's just around the corner.
Then, it's knocking on your door.
Then Bam, it's in your face,
probing you,
asking you,
questioning you.
And we just stand there staring.

On a happier note,
Cannot wait,
though there is a lit. essay
and I am supposed to submit a physics file and I am stuck finding worksheets for it.
But nothing can ruin my happiness completely(:
Me is going to be fourteen!
And everyone else going to be fifteen, sixteen or already seventeen.
Gosh, I am surrounded by older people.
And it feels completely normal.
To all my amazing older, younger and fourteen-year-old friends-
I would like to say,
thanks so much for being there,
for talking to me,
for including me,
and making me feel so very happy.

To all my friends who will turn sixteen next year -
I wanna go to NC-16 movies with you guys, but sheesh, I'm fifteen. Dang It!

To all my friends in India-
Why did you all go there lah (notice the singapore slang)
I miss you all.
Come back for a holiday
(Points finger at all)

I just felt like saying this.

To my parents,
I love you and thanks for being there all the time for the past fourteen years.
I know I have had my tantrums, my horrible flame up temper moments,
but I will always remember those moments,
the ones in the videos I watched yesterday.
I Love You Mum And Dad.

I feel like I am going away or something,
need to stop being so sedimental ,

I am turning fourteen.
I am turing fourteen.
Ha ha ha .
This is fun,
I have now offically almost been on this earth for fourteen years!

gotta go fins those physics and chem worksheets.
Why oh why did they choose to do this this week, huh?

Happy Advanced birthday to me.



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