Saturday, August 29, 2009


I don't blog everyday,
though I wished I did,
There are certain things about everyday,
that I wish I would remember forever,
certain things that inspire, confuse and often amuse me.
So today,
I might most more than once.
And no, that does not make me a despo blogger.

So yesterday was teachers day.
I think the best part of the day was when we found all the teachers,
hiding from us in the staffroom!
Ha ha.
It was funny,
and then Einson and Nick went and hugged Mrs. Saleem and they were like towering over her. Hee hee.
I think the best part was talking to the teachers, performing for them, seeing their reactions and just spreading the love.
Though I wish I could have done a little more.
They mean so much to me,
to us, the students of sota,
and without them,
a huge piece of the puzzle that is Sota would be missing,
and everybody would be trying to find it,
to fill it in.
But no one else can,
other than our amazing teachers.

after the festivities,
Shawna, Vicky and I walked to Komalas from school.
Walked, all the way
It was brilliant,
walking, talking, enjoying and feeling the wind.
But eventually we just wanted to reach Komalas so bad.
And when we did, it was like, "Oh Thank God"
and we rushed in hoping there would be aircon.
And then we found out,
there were just fans on.
Anti Climax.
I think they just opened.
Anyway, I got a masal dosai.
And Shawna and Vicky both got Bhaturas!
And we loved the lunch.
And then,
We walked back to school!
Hey, gotta burn of those calories right?
That was fun too,
cause we talked again,
and sang songs,
and crossed the wrong tunnel,
but yes,
we reached school.
Then we filled in our empty bottes.
That reminds me,
we went to Macs just to fill our bottles with cold water!
Ha ha.
Back to the walk,
after we reached school,
we saw a bunch of dancers,
and Lee Jing, and Miss Yang, and probably a few more people.
We attempted playing basketball,
but then Vic and I saw two twelves go by and we were completely annoyed.
never comes when we want it too.
Anyway, then all of us walked out,
and then Shawna had to buy food,
then we got on twelve,
and then we sadly got a seat opposite a bunch of KC girls, who could not stop talking and glancing back at us.
Hey, we were listening to music peacefully.
And then Vic had to go to the airport and watch her mom have lunch. Ha ha.
I don't think I did anything else the whole day that is very important.

So after this whole blog about my day,
I began thinking about the graph of life and confusion

Today my math tution teacher told me that it is better our lifes have a sort of balance of ups and downs, like waves in physics,
rather than a sharp downward thing, like the mountains.
I think I agree,
I think we are kept in check if we experience both ups and downs.
It is like life's natural way of humbling us,
teaching us and making sure we learn our lessons.
As soon as we get to high,
something comes along to show us to beware and not fly too high above everything else.
I don't mean it like,
life just takes away everything, no.
It's more like you get what you deserve,
work hard but learn along the way kinda thing.
I don't want life to be like,
I get everything I want,
don't learn anything,
and cause of that,
I loose everything.
I rather loose things along the way in hopes of finding something better anf learning from it. Hopefully,
I follow that,
and lose, learn and gain.
And being a human,
I think people hope to gain more than you loose.

About the confusion part.
I think being confused is just a normal thing.
But is confusion deeper than what we think it to be?
I mean, we (atleast me) say I'm confused for the smallest things ever.
Like if we don't undersatnd,
I'm confused.
But is being confused about something, more than just not understanding.
This has been a long post,
and I think I am beginning to stray away from a point and not really making a lot of sense.
I need to eat.
Maybe more later,
If I have time.

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