Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I am supposed to be sleeping right now.
Theatre showcase today,
they did an awesome job.
Ruby and Liz's toothpick scene was touching,
and the whole autism acting and topic was well done.
The play Bevin was in was really really good,
and the acting (from what I know) was really nice.
I was touched and I like the relationship between the characters.
Nabil and Deborah were good to.
And Vic, Einson and Amrit did a great job.
I mean, there were good lines,
and I liked the play,
and Amrit was funny.
Makes you think about how hard it must be to portray someone else,
if you have been through that experience yourself.
But at least you get to see them,
go through the experience through someone else's interpretations.
I thought they focused on slightly heavy topics.

Okay then
Good night world wide web.
(what is with me and good bye's?)



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