Monday, November 30, 2009

Movies, Chocolates and Laughter(:

Today was fun.
It was an O2/G3 gathering, but not everybody could make it, I wish everybody could have come.
But it was still really fun, a couple of movies a MAD board game, really, it is called MAD, and it was GREAT, moving on, a few more movies, lots of chocolate in between and everywhere and then just talking. Haha it was one fun day and hopefully we can play the game again some day.
Marsha's place is really close to the mrt, it is awesome haha, wish I could live that close to the mrt. We all went there today and met Shu Chen, who is back here, yay, st least I can get to know her better now(: I hope her grandmother gets well soon.
And then movies, chocolate, food and laughter. Yeah, SOTA people are awesome!
Good day, good day(:

New Moon Grossed 140 million dollars, no I don't care but my dad says this is approximately what they got, maybe even more, now he is asking check first, my reply "No way, I am not checking twilight results." My reply to they got got that much money, "They are a bunch of losers, yeah, cause we all want to see desperate Bella and lovestruck werewolf Jacob (I'm telling you the girls have forgotten Rob, all just there for Jacob and his Abs, what the heck?) and of course Veg vampire Edward. Edward in narnia is better than him. I really dislike the second book, my opinion. Also are there no characters who remain normal at some point? Anyway, lets get over my twilight saga rant. I just think, there are better things to watch and spend money on.

Random Survivor thing, (yeah I know right? Survivor again) :: Ozzy is a really good player, physically, he is AWESOME, maybe not all that strategically, but making an alliance and sticking to is is a good strategical move right? I mean you helped them win, then you win and then make it to final two/three, yeah Ozzy. He is like an awesome swimmer and some weird Jungle boy getting food and all, haha, but I heard he did something stupid in Micronesia, yeah well, thats life. I dunno much about him outside survivor. But yeah, good survivor player.
COOK ISLANDS is one nice heck of a season.

I can't wait for next Survivor Samoa:D
Wonder if Russel will last, but I don't want him to win.
I think I have said this before.

Once again, I want a cool survivor t-shirt.

On another note, I lost my book list, yeah great move.
So now, I can't remember a couple of things about books and stuff.
Anyway good night world.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Blue Skies

Finally, I am typing this from my room, cause now I got a proper comfy bed to sit on while typing this! Just found out that Ruby is shifting to the east too, one more SOTA buddy living really near me, she lives like just down the road or something. I actually love the east, but Pasir Ris is way to east sometimes and I kind of miss Simei.
I keep thinking what we can do for the Year One camp and if it is like some lets all get to know each other thing or like challenging games and stuff that help people bond or whatever. I think we should have like a mini-survivor, that isn't as crazy as the reality tv. It would be fun to have some cool games and stuff. :D
Swimming is so awesome, I did not go yesterday, but today I did, and wow, just being in the pool is awesome. We have like a lap pool at my condo so I was taking a few laps. Attention to the word few. Oh man, I need to swim more often, my stamina is all messed up. It was all green and stuff underwater, haha, but the condo is so awesome.
I noticed that the skies are really beautiful nowadays. The clouds are like these small puff balls and cover this cvast distance, yeah I can't really describe it can I?


Saturday, November 28, 2009


I can't wait to paint my room and I am so glad that I have friends who are going to do it with me. Yay, that shall be so much fun. The purple invasion, well mauve to be exact I guess, but still. My room is quite empty right now, boxes, cupboard and a window bay. But the view is great, green and then a PIE sign (that was random, but the green is so visible) I also love my new curtains, haha.

I love survivor now. It is actually really interesting to watch, if you watch it from the beginning, cause then you get where the people are coming from and some of the schemes and alliances. The people on the show call it a social game and it is one heck of a social game, what with the alliances and all the tribes and stuff. Some people play the game and others just hang on for the ride. For this season, hopefully someone from Foa Foa wins, or maybe John or something. But I do not really want Russel to win, yeah he may play survivor well and all, and he found three immunity idols without clues and whatnot, but his attitude is kind off annoying. Sometimes he just does things to create chaos and then he talks like as if he is the king and all that, well I feel like the whole jury is going to go against him.

So I guess that is about it for today. I wanna buy a survivor shirt, or maybe like an immunity idol necklace or something, that might be cool.

//immunity back up for grabs//


Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Beauty.

I love Jaane Tu Ya Jaane Na.
Thank god for letting Aamir produce a movie where the actors are great, the story is brilliant and there ain't too much drama, other than Aditi herself of course!
So if the movie marathon happens, and it will, we all can watch Jaane Tu, yay!

Moving on to the television aspect of things. It is amazing how being bored in the holidays can lead to a teenager watching television or being attached to a computer. So yeah, I am happy that Victor and Karen got kicked off. In the short time that I have been watching sytycd, all the other dancers made a bigger impression on me than Victor. And I never really liked Karen, so yeah. Now to make the season brilliant, Nathan should get a great partner and show everyone what he has and Ellenore should keep dancing brilliantly and Kathryn should remain great. I love Jakob Karr too. Haha. So many good dancers and a few brilliant ones.

Happy belated birthday to my Cousin, Jigar.
We called him yesterday, he talk so fast, it is really funny.
Apparently 2012, is a good movie, should I go watch it?

I have suddenly started "tweeting".
All of a sudden twitter ain't that bad, it is actually fun, you say what you wanted in a limited character status.
And then you follow twits from your fave celebrities , haha some of them have loserific comments.

So if you have twitter,
you should "follow" me or whatever.

So thats about it for today,
random quote of the day,
" You can take the Rathod out of Ranjhore but you can't take the Ranjhore out of Rathod"


Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So You Think You Can Can-Can.

I think Tyce DiOrio is really cool.
Contemporary or modern, whatever it is called is a really interesting form of dance,
is it just a mix of everything else, and what really defines it,
as far as I know, it is just pretty abstract movements with random recognizable ballet movements.
So you think can dance beats indian dance competitions any day,
but thats cause most of them are trained.
Hopefully we have a competition like that too.

Since Hui Yu might read this post too,
yeah I am really sorry about the spoiler,
the next time I type this -

SPOILER ALERT DO NOT READ if you wanna watch Project Runway.

then type the thing out here!

so now I know how spoilers work.
Moving on.
I love my new house,
it just so naturally seem like "home"
and we just moved in a while ago.
Now I just have to paint my room and get a proper bed.
Haha. My poor mattress must be so lonely without a plank to support it.

What else, what else?
Ok random quote,
"It's all about the phone calls" Adam Shankman, Stycd.
Yeah, that is reality tv show for you,
not the best but the most popular.
Sometimes both.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Whatcha Say

I don't know why but I don't really want to blog anymore, at least for a while, it seems like I just don't really have that much inclination to type.
Then I think about it again,
when most of us blog, we blog about things that happen to us, small things that do not really make a difference to the rest of the world and only a few people read it, but yeah, yet we do it.
So today I am going to blog about my experience at the design congress. I don't know about the others, but I felt really glad that I went, I think I found out what it really means to be a designer, they define design and a designer is beyond what we have heard or even thought about. It is so much more interdisciplinary than I imagined, and impacts people so much more. I feel that this whole thing just makes me want to become a designer so much more. All the title behind their very cool names and the adults intimidated my, but in the mini ARC like conversation, they included us and Janel made me speak, and I did, I thought I rambled a bit, but hey, I spoke. I think it opened my eyes to how much people really think about and how different it is to be out there and to be stuck in school.
Maybe I might not be able to start a deep conversation without thinking and researching, but the thing of it all is that I managed to learn something new, and to listen too different people.
I hope that some day, I can be part of something like Project H, or useless ideas. Because come to think of it, all of us want to make a difference and what better way to than to use art.

On a lighter more teenage note,
OHMYGOSH (all girl teen mode again)
I love So you think you can dance,
that show makes me wish I had never quit ballet. I miss it so much now, though I was never really that flexible and that I was so shy. Another thing, I hate being weight conscious, but I am starting to think it is a girl thing, and in ballet class, sometimes it is unavoidable.
So back to sytycd,
they are still showing bloody season four here,
Singapore and it's late shows, yeah well, youtube ain't that big a help either.
Top 10 are gonna be revealed tmrw!
I really hope that this girl called Karen is kicked out but i am not sure which of the guys will be as long as it is not Nathan or Jakob, cause I love them both.
Those bloody pirouettes they do, oh man. I wish I could dance like that.
I love the Whatcha Say dance,
you gotta check it out,
nice music and totally awesome dance and good message too,
Guys should not cheat on girls (that was the message kay?)
Yeah well I gotta say,
Nathan Trasoras is really good,
so are Jakob and Billy Bell (who might be coming back next season cause he feel sick this time): )
So that is my random rambling for today,
I cannot believe Irina won,
I know she is a good designer and all but I wanted Carol Hannah to win,
I haven't seem their full collections yet but soon,
and I just wanted CH to win!!
Once again Singapore and its delays.


they give birth to television craze. Oh no.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009


A little bit of thought,
before you speak,
if not you may sound,
a little bit crazy.

A conversation filler,
to get rid of the awkward silence,
a genuine statement,
to enhance the argument.

Different conversations,
different people,
I wish it was easy,
to talk to everyone.


Friday, November 6, 2009


I need to read SYREN.
Forget the indonesia plane,
I shall read percy jackson there.

I have nothing much to report today,
went to school, borders,
read a bit,
drank this chocolate milk tea, that tasted like Hershey's chocolate with water.
Yup, one dollar of water.
Oh yay.
Then I walked from parkway to siglap center.
YAY. I enjoyed that walk. It was relaxing in it's own way.
And it made me feel good.
Yeah, I felt like I was burning calories.
Crap, weight consciousness is getting to me.
Stupid teenage years,
we were so much better off at 10,
eat what you want,
school not that stressful, at least in GIIS,
yeah well.
Gotta deal with it,
but life is good right now(:

Okkay then.
More later.
Whenever later is.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Ho Gaya Hai Tujhko To Pyaar Sajna *tune*

It's over,
well okay, maybe not until we get the letter ( which hopefully brings happy news ),
but yeah the twenty minutes, oh wait, fifteen minutes of questions, nervousness, and answers are over.
Now I just have a whole bunch of other things to do. So much responsibility, so many plans.
I kind of have that feeling of having so much time, yet so little time to do everything that I want to because of other plans, or duties, or responsibilities I have. This OSL trip is a lot more work than I accounted for and so is that "SOTA Project Runway" thing. Ugh. And these were supposed to be the holidays. At least I have movie marathons to look forward too, and meeting people I haven't talked to in ages.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

//So tell me darling do you wish we'd fall in love?

Spent most of the day talking to megha,
on facebook and listening to music.
Good day.
Now about tmrw,
I know I am scared,
I know I am not the only one who is scared,
but yeah,
it's a deciding day,
and we can all just try and do more than our best.
Good Luck Guys.

I have way to much stuff to carry and put up.
Oh no.

Would you listen,
if I told you something,
would you cry,
if that something was sad.
would you smile,
if that made me happy,
or would you,
just walk away,
cause you did not care?
