Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Whatcha Say

I don't know why but I don't really want to blog anymore, at least for a while, it seems like I just don't really have that much inclination to type.
Then I think about it again,
when most of us blog, we blog about things that happen to us, small things that do not really make a difference to the rest of the world and only a few people read it, but yeah, yet we do it.
So today I am going to blog about my experience at the design congress. I don't know about the others, but I felt really glad that I went, I think I found out what it really means to be a designer, they define design and a designer is beyond what we have heard or even thought about. It is so much more interdisciplinary than I imagined, and impacts people so much more. I feel that this whole thing just makes me want to become a designer so much more. All the title behind their very cool names and the adults intimidated my, but in the mini ARC like conversation, they included us and Janel made me speak, and I did, I thought I rambled a bit, but hey, I spoke. I think it opened my eyes to how much people really think about and how different it is to be out there and to be stuck in school.
Maybe I might not be able to start a deep conversation without thinking and researching, but the thing of it all is that I managed to learn something new, and to listen too different people.
I hope that some day, I can be part of something like Project H, or useless ideas. Because come to think of it, all of us want to make a difference and what better way to than to use art.

On a lighter more teenage note,
OHMYGOSH (all girl teen mode again)
I love So you think you can dance,
that show makes me wish I had never quit ballet. I miss it so much now, though I was never really that flexible and that I was so shy. Another thing, I hate being weight conscious, but I am starting to think it is a girl thing, and in ballet class, sometimes it is unavoidable.
So back to sytycd,
they are still showing bloody season four here,
Singapore and it's late shows, yeah well, youtube ain't that big a help either.
Top 10 are gonna be revealed tmrw!
I really hope that this girl called Karen is kicked out but i am not sure which of the guys will be as long as it is not Nathan or Jakob, cause I love them both.
Those bloody pirouettes they do, oh man. I wish I could dance like that.
I love the Whatcha Say dance,
you gotta check it out,
nice music and totally awesome dance and good message too,
Guys should not cheat on girls (that was the message kay?)
Yeah well I gotta say,
Nathan Trasoras is really good,
so are Jakob and Billy Bell (who might be coming back next season cause he feel sick this time): )
So that is my random rambling for today,
I cannot believe Irina won,
I know she is a good designer and all but I wanted Carol Hannah to win,
I haven't seem their full collections yet but soon,
and I just wanted CH to win!!
Once again Singapore and its delays.


they give birth to television craze. Oh no.



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