Monday, November 30, 2009

Movies, Chocolates and Laughter(:

Today was fun.
It was an O2/G3 gathering, but not everybody could make it, I wish everybody could have come.
But it was still really fun, a couple of movies a MAD board game, really, it is called MAD, and it was GREAT, moving on, a few more movies, lots of chocolate in between and everywhere and then just talking. Haha it was one fun day and hopefully we can play the game again some day.
Marsha's place is really close to the mrt, it is awesome haha, wish I could live that close to the mrt. We all went there today and met Shu Chen, who is back here, yay, st least I can get to know her better now(: I hope her grandmother gets well soon.
And then movies, chocolate, food and laughter. Yeah, SOTA people are awesome!
Good day, good day(:

New Moon Grossed 140 million dollars, no I don't care but my dad says this is approximately what they got, maybe even more, now he is asking check first, my reply "No way, I am not checking twilight results." My reply to they got got that much money, "They are a bunch of losers, yeah, cause we all want to see desperate Bella and lovestruck werewolf Jacob (I'm telling you the girls have forgotten Rob, all just there for Jacob and his Abs, what the heck?) and of course Veg vampire Edward. Edward in narnia is better than him. I really dislike the second book, my opinion. Also are there no characters who remain normal at some point? Anyway, lets get over my twilight saga rant. I just think, there are better things to watch and spend money on.

Random Survivor thing, (yeah I know right? Survivor again) :: Ozzy is a really good player, physically, he is AWESOME, maybe not all that strategically, but making an alliance and sticking to is is a good strategical move right? I mean you helped them win, then you win and then make it to final two/three, yeah Ozzy. He is like an awesome swimmer and some weird Jungle boy getting food and all, haha, but I heard he did something stupid in Micronesia, yeah well, thats life. I dunno much about him outside survivor. But yeah, good survivor player.
COOK ISLANDS is one nice heck of a season.

I can't wait for next Survivor Samoa:D
Wonder if Russel will last, but I don't want him to win.
I think I have said this before.

Once again, I want a cool survivor t-shirt.

On another note, I lost my book list, yeah great move.
So now, I can't remember a couple of things about books and stuff.
Anyway good night world.



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