Thursday, December 31, 2009

Another year closer to 2012(;

Na, I don't believe the world is gonna end in 2012.
Harry Potter movies. Yes.
HSM craze. Maybe.
The world. No.

So it's new years eve, and the HSM concert dominates disney.
It's not that bad, at least Lucas and Drew are in, and no Zac and his gay Bet On It. Haha
I love Drew Seeley.
Another HSM line.
We are in this together next year. I mean seriously.
O2 is the same except now, it's a basement.
Basement 2.
Or Banana's in the Pajama's B2.

I can't wait for school to start,
I want to see the campus and all my friends again.


Made new year's resolutions?
I think I will, but not like on paper or anything,
its weird how these things usually never happen.
We make them, and sometimes we just forget them *blush world blush, cause you know you forgot one*
But some happen.

five mins left.
I'm high I guess.
Or I was.

3 mins.

2 mins.
Ohman oh man.



Sunday, December 27, 2009

Give Me Some Sunshine

I loved 3 Idiots.
It was a beautiful movie. And it was so funny.
I loved all the actors and the screenplay was brilliant. So was the direction.

Watched Step Up tpday, and Dil Chata Hai.
So much fun. I loved the dances.

I love the fact that I have all the cable channels right not.
I have no idea why, but I hope it stays this way, that would be awesome,
(and distracting, but whatever :D ).

Watching Singapore Idol.
Man, I can't wait for Season 9 of AI.

Back to SI,
that Charice was good.
Who won? Who won?
Gurmit is taking forever.

I knew it.
I knew it.
I just did.

Wanted her to win, but he won.
Never mind, they are both good (supposedly).
Never really saw all their performances.

Okay anyway.
Good night.



Saturday, December 26, 2009

Red and Green

I honestly forgot how good it felt to just dance. Like in your bedroom to random songs that are playing. I mean its not about being good at it and all but more like just the random feeling that you have and you go, I just want to dance.
That was fun(:

I still can't really do pirouettes though.
Can't say I did not try.

I realized, my mom and I spent the christmas watching movies.
A lot of movies. And thats about it.
No presents, santa claus ran away.

I am currently watching Rock On, and then 3 idiots!!!

See you later.

I'm really happy right now(:


Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas(:

Haven't blogged in a while.
Well first of all Merry Christmas to everyone!
Hope you all got nice presents and enjoy today.

I think I found a couple of new favorite spots in my house and my condo today.
One: The window bay area behind my bed is brilliant. When you look outside, it's really nice.
Two: Same for the balcony or planter, it's great sitting there too.
Three: Downstairs, by the pool. It's just brilliant.

I have been reading Romeo and Juliet.
Oh man, it has a lot of long lines and proclamations,
and I am beginning to remember the Macbeth speech.
Haha, I think crazy Macbeth was a little more interesting.

9 more days.
If you don't know to-what, you have been living under a rock.

Random though. Kathryn and Legacy are really awesome (sytycd)


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Sunday, December 20, 2009


In the holidays, I wish that I could go back to school.
Then when school starts. I want the holidays back again.

Its messed up.

Cycling was really fun,
other than the horrible seat.
That hurt.

Not much to say tonight,
maybe I just don't want to type.

See ya cyberworld.


Thursday, December 17, 2009


So I happened to read this on MLIA.

A couple of weeks ago, I found out that one of my Aunt's friends is married to the actor who plays Filtch in the Harry Potter films. Naturally, I told my Aunt that this was awesome. Today, I received in the post a copy of The Deathly Hallows book, autographed by Filtch AND Mrs Norris. I love my family. MLIA.


And this,

Today, I finished the last Harry Potter books. Curious as to what the spells sounded like because I had never watched the movies, I wrote "Lumos" in the narrator of my laptop. When my laptop repeated the phrase, my bedroom light which had been out for several days randomly turned on. I'm onto you, magic mac. MLIA

What a coincidence!

Another one that I laughed at.

Today I was browsing audio books and I found one titled "How To Get Your Point Across In 30 Seconds Or Less". The listening time was 45 minutes. MLIA.

Oh the irony.

I am so upset that Christopher Paolini has not yet even told the loyal readers of The Inheritance Cycle when he is releasing the fourth book. Or even what the name is. I am annoyed, I want to know what happens, it's like Harry Potter all over again.
Galbatorix must die.

You know HP,
I want to know about the new generation.
Especially Rose and Scorpius.
Cause we all know that Ron was tempting fate,
in the last book with that stupid, "stay away from him line"

Watching Prince Caspian,
Haha the end is funny.

Caspian And Susan kiss.
(hollywood, or britishwood whatever, always needs this)
Lucy: I'm sure when I'm older I'll understand.
Edmund: (something I didn't get) I don't think I want to understand.


You know we had a conversation about this,
My friends and I watched the Avatar trailer,
and the two people alien-looking people kissed,
and I was like,
There has to be a kiss in every hollywood movie right? It's incomplete without it,
and then my friend said,
Even if they are extra-terrestrials!

Project Runway FINALE.
I can't wait to see final collections and see is Meana-Irina deserved the win.

I still prefer Carol Hannah.


Wednesday, December 16, 2009

White Sauce And Custurd.

(with a little guidance)
But yeah,
the point is I cooked.

And it tasted good.

So my room is pretty much set now,
and its so cosy.
I love my room.

looking forward to it.

Just on another note,
it was much easier to be seven.
Much easier to be eight.
Much easier to be nine.
You get the point,
it got a little confusing at the age of 12 and a bit more confusing at thirteen.

Just a feeling.

Watching Nanny McPhee,
yup, its entertaining.


Sunday, December 13, 2009


So this was what I read on Vicky's blog today.
""Anyways, this if for you Kirti!!!
"Today, I saw a rather large black dog prowling down my street. Curious, and slightly scared, I decided to check if it had a collar in case it was lost. When I rounded the corner, the dog was nowhere to be found, and instead I observed a tall man with flowing black hair walking in the other direction. I'm on to you, Sirius. MLIA" ""
HAHA. Next that person will be getting a broomstick with firebolt written on it!

So now that I found about MLIA, I went to their site and found this -
"Today I drank an energy drink. Five minutes later i fell asleep. I feel I've been deceived. MLIA"
Haha. I wonder which one he drank.

This one leads to my next point.
"Today I went to Ikea with my parents. I planned to scare them by hiding in a closet organizer and jumping out as they passed by. Instead, I jumped into the closet and screamed when I saw an old lady already hiding in my spot. I coulnd't stop laughing long enough to tell my parents what happened. MLIA"
What was the old lady doing there, that is if it happened.

So today I went back to Ikea today,
We bought a couple of things.
Bookshelf coming tmrw.

We, my mom and I finished painting my bedroom walls!!!

Can't wait to see the finished nemation clip!

Goodbye Cyberworld.


Friday, December 11, 2009

#95 Painting the sky.

Long time no post.
Finished painting one wall.
Will put up a picture later, after the finishing touches(:

Yay, cycling on friday!
Wish fangs could come,
but she's going to taiwan.
Oh man.

Still have reflections to do,
about the OSL.
I am forgetting bits and pieces and that is not good.
Hope there is still a meeting, I wanna see the new campus!

Still haven't made beads yet,
anyone wanna make paper beads with us?

I want to go camping one day,
and learn how to make fire with flint,
and like build a shelter and what not.
Yeah, all survivor influence.
Speaking of which there was a double elimination episode today,
wish russell had got blindsided, but no.
Kinda sad. Now I want like Brett to stay,
he deserves air time, I mean he was invisible until now.
I want anyone but Russell to win,
the man has 2 million already.

I want to watch 3 Idiots(hindi).
I also wanna read Percy Jackson,
and watch the movie next year.
Saw the trailer, shouldn't Annabeth have blond hair.
And why are 17 year old people playing 12 year old people.

See Ya Online World.


Sunday, December 6, 2009

Post #94 (iThink)

My mom and I basically walked through the whole of Ikea today.
And ended up buying baskets, shelves and baskets,
we would have bought a book shelf,
but it was too huge to carry, way too huge and heavy.
Ikea is cool.

Watched 2012 yesterday,
awesome (fake) scenes!
Loved the movie,
though it was pessimistic.

Just watched Lilo and Stich,
they are so cute!
And so sweet,
I miss old disney,
stupid serials like oggy and the cockroaches are spoiling the channel.

Once again I need new music,
so if anyone who reads this post wants to suggest songs,
please do!

Okay goodnight then(:


Thursday, December 3, 2009


Suddenly twitter is not that bad anymore,
which means I am using it more often right now.
Which one is better, twitter or facebook?
Facebook gives you more stuff to do,
but that just distracts you more.

I think Dalton Ross's survivor blog is really funny,
natural sarcasm and good lines, fun to read.

I feel like I want to change my blog skin,
but I can't download any skin templates.

This years textbooks,
are kinda expensive,
and I have only got three books until now,
I got a feelin that the lit books are not going to be cheap.

So one more month of the holidays before year 4 starts,
wow, I want Year 4 to start soon,
yup missing school.

See Ya online world.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I want Jeff Probst's job.
I would love to be be paid to be the host of Survivor and watch the game and still get 39 days of comfort. I would also love to have a blog that so many people read. Yeah, I would love to have his job. Then see all those cool, amazing places too, wow, I love his job.
I think a lot of the games on survivor are cool, if we had mini less brutal versions, I would play them. I want to be as fit as some of them, they are so physically fit.

Yeah, and I can't even do the 2.4 brilliantly. Stupid run, looming on the distance in a glass campus.
The school should just move on and leave NAFA behind,
yeah more time for art!

Does NAFA really help us in life, yeah NS and all but other than that,
(yeah it keeps us fit, yeah it helps you loose weight),
I am fighting a loosing battle, NAFA stays put I guess.
Oh great.

On another note, a lot of people don't even think the school is going to be finished before Jan,
and we have to go there in December, not happening, but fingers crossed.

I listened to Desperate a few days ago,
now if David A. had not gone and added a few crappy lines to the song, I think it would have quite okay, but can't say the same to the other song, A little too not over you, that is just desperate and whiny. Just like Bella.

I need a happier last line,
good night(:
