Monday, August 31, 2009

Cause these things will change.

Today was a holiday,
weekend just became longer,
cause tmrw is a holiday too.
I have mentioned this before.
So the highlight of the whole day,
was probably the shopping trip with my mom,
I finally got new sports shoes,
(goodbye my old-icky-pink-torn-shoes!)
And new shorts,
(these shorts are awesome.)
I cut my insanely-wild-poofy-curly-mad hair!
its not completely short,
I don't really like short,
but it's layered.
It feels good.
It's a change,
and thank god,
its a good one.
I remember some of my worse hair cuts,
not pretty.

IHSS is confusing me,
(yes, I read the articles today)
I mean all the articles seem to say the same thing,
in a way.
Never mind,
I will read them again.

Read a book called,
The Keepers Book One : A Wizard Called Nell.
It's pretty cool.
The normal good versus bad,
but the characters are definitely unique,
well as unique as you can get with magical people.
I will read Book Two,
see if its any good.

SO thats about it, I guess.
See ya.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009

Tujh Mein Agar Pyaas Hai, Barish Ka Ghar Bhi Paas Hai

Tu dhoop hain jham se bikhar
Tu hai nadee o bekhabar
Beh chal kahin ud chal kahin
Dil khush jahan teri toh manzil hai wahin

I wonder how one movie can make me feel so many emotions.
I wonder how that one movie can make me cry too.
I wonder how that movie touches my heart.

I think that Taare Zameen Par,
is one movie that everyone should watch,
regardless of whether or not they understand hindi or not.
I mean subtitle exist for a reason.
I think this movie,
is one of the best Bollywood has seen in a really long time,
and it is not one of those masala entertainers.
It means something,
it tells a story,
and it makes you feel, think and understand.
Now thats a movie.

I also wonder how one man's opinion can mean so much,
I mean just look at Simon Cowell,
if he says you are good,
you know you are really good.
I just keep wondering how there are some people whom you just listen to.

I think I want to start playing music again,
but I really don't remember anything.
Nothing at all.
I kind of need to start all over.
I think I never really realized how much things like ballet and guitar helped me and how much I enjoyed them until recently.
I think once you quit,
you see the classes differently.
Thank god I am never going to stop art completely.
I don't want too.

I miss ballet.
Its not that I was brilliant at it or anything,
it's just that it really was fun,
and it helped me a lot.
I loved freestyle and the dances.
I loved the ballet shoes,
and the costumes,
and the performances.

My whole body is aching cause of Bharatnatyam yesterday,
gosh I didn't think class was going to be that stressful.
She made us do exercises.
Then we had to do the whole Allaripu,
properly and it was tiring,
but at least she said we improved.
Oh yay!
Then Shabdam,
in the sense,
lets all show feelings through our facial expressions!
Do you know how hard that is,
One day,
I will get it right.

I did chemistry today,
now I feel good,
cause I feel like I know something about this periodic table,
I just hope I remember it.

Island Voices,
A Dream of China,
is actually a good story.
I like it,
it has a flow,
and the beginning and the end tie back.
Now I have to read fistful of colours.

so thats about it, I guess.
No school tmrw.
Thats good and bad.
Drawing, we miss drawing. Sheesh.
And then ceramics, we miss ceramics. Sheesh again.
we do have a holiday on tuesday right?
And then look forward to ARC essay.
Well not exactly, but at least it will be done,
then we can do more interesting stuff in ARC,
like one of our massive discussions or something.
Speaking of that, IHSS essay.
Oh the joys of school life.
Why Miss Wang, Why?
Why THREE mini essays?

Goodbye world,
I need dinner.
Can't wait for it.
thats it,

Saturday, August 29, 2009


I don't blog everyday,
though I wished I did,
There are certain things about everyday,
that I wish I would remember forever,
certain things that inspire, confuse and often amuse me.
So today,
I might most more than once.
And no, that does not make me a despo blogger.

So yesterday was teachers day.
I think the best part of the day was when we found all the teachers,
hiding from us in the staffroom!
Ha ha.
It was funny,
and then Einson and Nick went and hugged Mrs. Saleem and they were like towering over her. Hee hee.
I think the best part was talking to the teachers, performing for them, seeing their reactions and just spreading the love.
Though I wish I could have done a little more.
They mean so much to me,
to us, the students of sota,
and without them,
a huge piece of the puzzle that is Sota would be missing,
and everybody would be trying to find it,
to fill it in.
But no one else can,
other than our amazing teachers.

after the festivities,
Shawna, Vicky and I walked to Komalas from school.
Walked, all the way
It was brilliant,
walking, talking, enjoying and feeling the wind.
But eventually we just wanted to reach Komalas so bad.
And when we did, it was like, "Oh Thank God"
and we rushed in hoping there would be aircon.
And then we found out,
there were just fans on.
Anti Climax.
I think they just opened.
Anyway, I got a masal dosai.
And Shawna and Vicky both got Bhaturas!
And we loved the lunch.
And then,
We walked back to school!
Hey, gotta burn of those calories right?
That was fun too,
cause we talked again,
and sang songs,
and crossed the wrong tunnel,
but yes,
we reached school.
Then we filled in our empty bottes.
That reminds me,
we went to Macs just to fill our bottles with cold water!
Ha ha.
Back to the walk,
after we reached school,
we saw a bunch of dancers,
and Lee Jing, and Miss Yang, and probably a few more people.
We attempted playing basketball,
but then Vic and I saw two twelves go by and we were completely annoyed.
never comes when we want it too.
Anyway, then all of us walked out,
and then Shawna had to buy food,
then we got on twelve,
and then we sadly got a seat opposite a bunch of KC girls, who could not stop talking and glancing back at us.
Hey, we were listening to music peacefully.
And then Vic had to go to the airport and watch her mom have lunch. Ha ha.
I don't think I did anything else the whole day that is very important.

So after this whole blog about my day,
I began thinking about the graph of life and confusion

Today my math tution teacher told me that it is better our lifes have a sort of balance of ups and downs, like waves in physics,
rather than a sharp downward thing, like the mountains.
I think I agree,
I think we are kept in check if we experience both ups and downs.
It is like life's natural way of humbling us,
teaching us and making sure we learn our lessons.
As soon as we get to high,
something comes along to show us to beware and not fly too high above everything else.
I don't mean it like,
life just takes away everything, no.
It's more like you get what you deserve,
work hard but learn along the way kinda thing.
I don't want life to be like,
I get everything I want,
don't learn anything,
and cause of that,
I loose everything.
I rather loose things along the way in hopes of finding something better anf learning from it. Hopefully,
I follow that,
and lose, learn and gain.
And being a human,
I think people hope to gain more than you loose.

About the confusion part.
I think being confused is just a normal thing.
But is confusion deeper than what we think it to be?
I mean, we (atleast me) say I'm confused for the smallest things ever.
Like if we don't undersatnd,
I'm confused.
But is being confused about something, more than just not understanding.
This has been a long post,
and I think I am beginning to stray away from a point and not really making a lot of sense.
I need to eat.
Maybe more later,
If I have time.

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I think I am just beginning to realize how very important making the right decision is.
When you are young,
someone is always there to guide you,
by always, i really mean,
nearby, can-shout-out-to distance, or the phone-able distance.
Then you grow up a little,
people let you decide,
even little things like,
"Oi, you want bread with butter or butter and jam,"
and then you still there, and on impulse just answer,
They let you make mistakes, learn, because those were small decisions.
But now,
I can imagine taking a lot of time to decides between butter and butter and jam.
Because the number of things affecting my decisions have increase.
I have grown older,
my taste has changed,
and yes, we all became weight conscious.
And I think it begins to affect the decision.
No longer can we just decide and be happy about it.
We do sometimes just decide,
but now regret has come into the picture.
We decide and then we regret, cause we knew there was always this other choice.
You may love the choice you took,
but yet,
you think,
what if?
what would have happened if?
should I have done that?
And that a makes living harder.

Sometime I wish I could try both things,
just to know what would have happened,
but then,
I realized just now that,
maybe it was never meant to be that way.
We would never learn,
never improve,
never think before we try if we already knew what was going to happen,
if we already knew the consequences.

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Free Ticket

the humans of this earth,
pledge to remain,
complex and yet simple in some ways,
forever more.


Its like saying time is a simple concept,
yet it never really was,
we just seem to accept it,
it never stays,
you have not control over it,
it rules you, traps you,
yet we are okay with that,
just roll with the punches right?

Humans are complex,
the emotions, the ideas, the thoughts
we all get tend to add to complexity.
I will never fully understand you, and you will never fully understand me.
Yet, we accept that.
And that is simple.
We know we have to live (though some of us have highly pessimistic views on this),
and we know there are the highs and the lows.
We know who we are,
what we had to do,
and essentially what is bad and what is good.
That makes things simple.

Faith, hope, belief, love and friendship.
Emotions make us more complex,
ideas, concepts, vague theories,
all add up to the complexity of life.

Why can't we do things we want to?
Perfect example,
I am supposed to be making teachers day cards,
yet I sit here,
typing a message,
that possibly,
may never reach anyone,
never impact anyone.
Though I hope it will.
How I want my friends to be free a certain day to go out with me,
yet something seems to pop up.
It's like the world conspires against us.
it seems we often get what we want too.

I love that word right now.
It describes both Humans and Life.

We all have a free ticket on this roller coaster called life. Whether we choose to enjoy it or not it a different thing.

<3 K.i.r.t.i
The Simplex Human.

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Wednesday, August 26, 2009

If I could fly.

I want to play Quidditch, not Soccer.
It's not that soccer is horrible,
but more based on the reason I want to fly.
Soccer was okay, not bad, atleast I can kick a ball. Yay me.
But, getting kicked twice ain't fun.
Not at all.
Went home and my whole body was aching yesterday night. Sheesh and that was after two games and practice. Imagine the real thing.
Teacher Day. Aiyah (here come the singlish again), it's all messed up man. We need more time. We want to make it amazing for you teachers!
Today was an apparently good day.
Well the some hours during school and Megha's phone call were the highlights of the day.
Megha - I cannot believe you forgot my birthday,
but thanks for calling, an mailing and powerpointing. (awesome word na?)
I really, really apprieciate it.
I just told you everything on the phone, but I gotta say,
you made it feel like it was my birthday all over again.

Lit was fun today. Haha Po-Po, Mr. Li and Ying.
Island Voices doesn't seem that bad after all.
Soon enough, I will be okay with that book.

IHSS was confusing today.
Bleh. Welfare Policies, sheesh-kabab. Why, tell me why I need to write an essay on this huh?

ARC was um,
good, fun, discussive (we discussed a lot) but the last few minutes were pointless, my intro that I wrote was horrible.

Hindi - got my marks back. Same as Amrit. Not bad, but can do better lah.

Digital Art was fun but kinda um, weird (for the lack of a better word)
I think I could have done better today.

Yo Janel,
if you are reading this post,
thanks for sharing the amazing music on your iPod with me,
can you send me a few songs,
muse and the VP's (?)

so character education today was interesting.
5 minds and first impressions stuff.

I think my vocab sucks.
I need new words. I need BETTER words.
I need adjectives,
I can't use weird for the rest of my life,
that would be pathetic. (and I am back to using that word)

I ould blog a lot more,
but guess what,
I feel lazy,
and I have an essay to type.

Goodbye and Goodbye people of this earth,
who completely care about what happens in my life,
thank you so much for reading this.

Before I go,
I would like to say,
I am feeling nice today.
But I think some people feel like annoying others.
I think people need to move on,
and if they have to,
find different ways to tease people,
cause after a while it gets old.
You become immune to a certain extend,
yet it affects you,
yet it hurts sometimes.
Cause you know,
some of us are sensitive.

Oh and Janel,
I admire your will power.
Bocotting facebook.
You are awesome.
Wish I could.
But hey, atleast I use it less.
Go Janel!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

So that day is over.

I am fourteen.
Yesterday was brilliant, except for a few stupid things like getting my screwed up maths paper back. And the lit essay that took away my break, anyway.
Other than that,
it was awesome.
To all my friends,
thanks for making my day so special,
thanks for the cards and gifts,
To everyone,
thanks for the birthday wishes.

So this is my first post after turning fourteen.

It is like another step in to the future,
and another day that passes that just adds a number to your age,
it is gone now,
but the number remain and you just keep moving forward.

I have so many things to think about,
so many things to improve on,
so many things to do,
need to buck up quickly.

But sometimes,
things you want don't just happen,
you gotta make them happen,
but what if you can't,
what if you just can't?

WHat do you do then?

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Thursday, August 20, 2009

Its that day again.

Once it is twelve,
I will be fourteen.
I grow up every year,
everyone does.
But this year, it's kind of different.
I think I am going to miss being thirteen.
It's like graduation, moving ahead,
officially part of teen hood, or at least closer to it.
I think thirteen, like eleven is the stage of innocence, confusion and the time where you can be just yourself,
then, things get harder.
School is stressful,
life is great, but a roller coaster,
the future lies ahead,
getting closer and closer,
so fast that one can no longer say it lies ahead anymore.
It's just around the corner.
Then, it's knocking on your door.
Then Bam, it's in your face,
probing you,
asking you,
questioning you.
And we just stand there staring.

On a happier note,
Cannot wait,
though there is a lit. essay
and I am supposed to submit a physics file and I am stuck finding worksheets for it.
But nothing can ruin my happiness completely(:
Me is going to be fourteen!
And everyone else going to be fifteen, sixteen or already seventeen.
Gosh, I am surrounded by older people.
And it feels completely normal.
To all my amazing older, younger and fourteen-year-old friends-
I would like to say,
thanks so much for being there,
for talking to me,
for including me,
and making me feel so very happy.

To all my friends who will turn sixteen next year -
I wanna go to NC-16 movies with you guys, but sheesh, I'm fifteen. Dang It!

To all my friends in India-
Why did you all go there lah (notice the singapore slang)
I miss you all.
Come back for a holiday
(Points finger at all)

I just felt like saying this.

To my parents,
I love you and thanks for being there all the time for the past fourteen years.
I know I have had my tantrums, my horrible flame up temper moments,
but I will always remember those moments,
the ones in the videos I watched yesterday.
I Love You Mum And Dad.

I feel like I am going away or something,
need to stop being so sedimental ,

I am turning fourteen.
I am turing fourteen.
Ha ha ha .
This is fun,
I have now offically almost been on this earth for fourteen years!

gotta go fins those physics and chem worksheets.
Why oh why did they choose to do this this week, huh?

Happy Advanced birthday to me.


Wait For The Skies To Change

She looked up for the first time. She saw what had been there, was there and what would forever be there, but in a different way, Was it her, or was it the earth, ever changing and ever beautiful and that had cause this difference in sight. Was she growing up, was she opening her eyes?
She had heard people talk about change, about the big thing they all stood under, how they could feel at least a hundred people standing under it, watching it. It was cliché. Or so she thought. Her view of the world was changing as she grew, and she began that often cliché’s were cliché only because they were true to so many people.
That day, when she looked up, she finally understood. The vast patch of blue tainted with grey, white and yellow light was spectacular. It was huge, yet the urban jungle shaped it. It formed a shape according to shapes of the building. You could see it, yet you could not. A large part of it was hidden, darkened on the other side of the world. She wondered why. Why had she not looked up before, why had she not seen this before? Why had she never left like she could reach out and touch it, little pieces of the sky?
Was it her, or was it the sky?
Who was changing, what was changing and why was it changing?
Would she stop changing, would the sky remain this beautiful?
She wanted to freeze time, she wanted to stay, but she could not. She knew it.
So she would just wait. Wait for things to change. Wait for her eyes to open again. Wait for the sky to become this beautiful again.

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A taste of the past.

I haven't blogged in a while,
so much for me blogging like everyday.
Sheesh anyway.

Life goes on,
things happen,
and memories come flooding back.

My digital art project all based on memories flooding back
and watching those video's and old photos
brought back the past
into the present.

I wanna go back to the way it was.
I wanna be three again,
I wanna spend more time with family,
mor time for just having fun,
more time away from the computer.
But Hey,
I can't be three again can I?

Turning fourteen in like two days,
friday actually.
It doesn't really seem that old,
especially when you are surrounded by fifteen year olds:D
But it is,
another year on this earth,
and makes me think,
what have I done this thirteenth-year that is important,
that helps the world,
that means a lot to me.
Maybe it might not help the world,
but yeah, a lot of things mean a lot to me.
This thirteenth year was amazing.

Do you know,
I really do wish I owned a magic broomstick,
a firebolt.
So I could just get up,
go out ,
and fly away for while.
See the moon,
see the stars
and clear my brain.
Feel the wind.
Just for a while,
and then,
back to reality.

Thursday, August 13, 2009



Life Is A Highway


Blogger has lost it and so have a lot of indian advertisments and movies.
Five seconds ago, I couldn't post any pictures.
Indian Advertisents, some of them, just get weirder and cheesier. And people fall for them. Bah.
What is wrong with the world,

Oh god,
then we have TWO essays. TWO I say.

I feel stressed out,
and I have no motivation to study right now.
Well actually I don't mind studying math,

Our team,
lost the T-Ball semi finals,
so now we have to play for third or fourth position,
hopefully we win this atch.
But you know,
we actually lost in the tie breaker,
so that makes it a little better,
and also we had losts of fun in the end,
thanks to Judith and Norvin!
okay moving on.

Physics was fun today,
well the waves and tsuff wasn't exactly the fun part,
but it was actually the rap that Charis, Marsha, Ruby and Vicky were coming up with.
It was Hilarious!
Poh couldn't stop laughing and neither could I.
And Mr. Lai, was all like, we should get a green screen and record the rap. Random, but hey if you were there, you would get what I am talking about.

Do you know that there is something, actually a value/variable thing called Lamda.
L a m d a.
Say it out loud.
It sounds funny.
We kept using it in Physics today, its like wavelength or something.
Physics was totally random but fun today(:

Freaky-freaky-freaky - frenquency.
Lol Vic, I don't think anyone is going to forget that anytime soon.

so that is my pointless ranting about my day.

Yes, I know.
On a blog.

So I was thinking about how young we all actually are but do know how much our actions now, today, this year, decide our future.
If you are confused , read this.
I am actually saying that almost everything we do in these few years before university actually decides our future.
Our choices.
They make our future.
They help choose universities,
Wow, makes you think about the future.
Makes you a little scared of the future.
All the what if's, the but's,
the regret's, the decision's.
It's confusing.


Life's like a road that you travel on
When there's one day here and the next day gone
Sometimes you bend and sometimes you stand
Sometimes you turn your back to the wind
There's a world outside ev'ry darkened door
Where blues won't haunt you anymore

Where the brave are free and lovers soar
Come ride with me to the distant shore
We won't hesitate
To break down the garden gate
There's not much time left today

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Through all these cities and all these towns
It's in my blood and it's all around
I love you now like I loved you then
This is the road and these are the hands
From Mozambique to those Memphis nights
The Khyber Pass to Vancouver's lights

Knock me down get back up again
You're in my blood
I'm not a lonely man
There's no load I can't hold
Roads are rough, this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

Gimme gimme gimme gimme yeah

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long

There was a distance between you and I
A misunderstanding once
But now we look it in the eye

There ain't no load that I can't hold
Roads are rough, this I know
I'll be there when the light comes in
Just tell 'em we're survivors

Life is a highway
I wanna ride it all night long
If you're going my way
I wanna drive it all night long
- Rascall Flatts/Life Is A Highway

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Monday, August 10, 2009

I think a blog is an awesome way to vent your feelings.
Your voice, your opinions and stuff may not reach out to the world, but hey, at least you can write about stuff that you remember, want to remember.
There is this quote from Up -
"it is the boring stuff that I remember the most"
That may not be word for word but true in essentials.
I think we remember the
things you know.
Important events and the things that so simple.
But hey, the simple things matter.
I just discovered a band called Rooney and I think they are pretty good.
If anyone is reading this, check em out
tell me what you think, cuz I wanna know.

their myspace is -

band website -

Have you ever thought about it,
we sit here,
and are so safe,
when out there,
people are getting hit by typhoons.
It's just so hard to believe,
I mean, its a normal day for me,
and then I find out about a whole hotel being blown away ina few seconds.
And what can we do about it,
at least not now.

I am praying for them,
the people who are being tossed and turned on this carnival ride.
I hope they are safe and that things take a turn for the better.

It's so complicated.
When you have it-
you complain.

When you don't have any(i wish)/ or very little -
you feel weird,

homework should just dissapear of the face of earth

Now that I am done ranting,
I shall go and sleep.
Good night world,
the oddest thing,
when I am sleeping,
people on the other side of this earth are wide awake.


Good Night.


Damn It.
I open this page hoping I can post pictures, but I can't.

So today is a holiday. Yay.
T-Ball tomorrow.
Actually I am really excited, should be fun.
Ceramics too, can't wait to make my giant chess pieces.

One day before independence day, I have a math test.
14th August,
or maybe 13th, but anyway.
Gotta revise math.
Did you know, maths is actually really fun,
just not when you have a test coming up.
Same for Ihss.
I don't want to write an essay.
Nor do I want to be graded for asking questions during a discussion. What if I can't come up with one.
Oh god,
I have a stressful school life.

I really wish J.K. Rowling would write the 19 year epilogue thing out. I want to know what happens.
How Ron and Hermione's wedding was.
I want to know about the future generation,
about Rose Weasley, Scorpius Malfoy, Albus Potter and all.
But for now,
the world is gonna have to deal with fanfiction.
And just keep reading, wishing, dreaming and speculating.

Hindi Movies - some of them are so pathetic. Random things happening at random time with a bunch of songs and bad costumes.
But I think thats just Sone Pe Suhaga, or whatever.
Baaad Costumes seriously.

I want to watch Fashion.
And Vivaah.
And a movie with a good storyline.

Bollywood today,
movies either NC-16, or flop.


Mar Jawaan,
tere ishq pe, mar jawaan.

Bheege bheege sapno ka jaise khat hai,
geele geele chahat ki jaisi lat hai

Mar Jawaan,
tere ishq pe, mar jawaan.

Soche dil ki aisa kaash ho,
tujhko, ek nazar meri talaash ho,
jaise kwhab hai, aankhon mein basse meri,
Waise needon pe silvate pade teri,
Bheege bheege armaano ki rahad hai,
Geeli geeli khwahish bhi to behad hai,
Mar jawaan, mar jawaan,
Tere ishq pe mar jawaan.

- Fashion/Mar Jawaan.

Sunday, August 9, 2009



Okay, I know I have this in my profile, but the music doesn't play when you are at another page,
so this one is for this page.

Lunch Conversations.

Today i remembered that totally random conversation i was having with Vic, ZD and Hui Yu about names and other things. Guys, I gotta tell you I had so much fun that day at lunch with you guys(:
And then I remember how we were sitting at the steps and everyone was like stepping over us and then by the end of lunch, there we were ,more then four people sitting at the steps , just before IHSS.
That was FUN.


i'm blind-folded on this carriage ride that they call life.
-connected/katharine mcphee


I watched it with my parents and I had an awesome time,
got an UP combo, with this cute little toy(:
Hui Yu said on her blog that she almost cried,
I think I did,
it was emotional.
Funny. Happy. Sad. Touching.

Guess Carrie Underwood is right,
life is carnival ride.

I am random,
get used to it.

BAH digital art,
I enjoy it,
but my journal thing is screwed up,
I want to add something to it.
And I have a few ideas for the video,

Oh It's National Day.

I had fun with Mariel, Janel and Ruby today,
doing media ed,
walking across the sports school,
acros this giant field,
them reading pricess diaries in the train back.
Speaking of trains, i cannot believe Mariel and Ruby were sitting in the compartment right next to mine for about 10 stops and I could not see them.
SO that was fun.

Back To national day,
it doesn't really feel like it.
Did you watch the parade,
I caught the end,
I liked the part where this young girl and guy sang this song,
they had nice voices.
The Pledge moment was good too.
Did you guys do it?


They are showing singapore idol on national day.
Oh joy,
the singapore spirit through the voices.

Krauser is so weird. Which guy dresses up like some weirdo from hell or whatever to an audition.
There is a Sanjaya wannabe on singapore idol. With some whacky hair.
Atleast it seems like he is.
Ah auditions,
they get whackier and whackier,
but aleast some people can sing.

Ramdom thing - our new school was shown quite a lot, cause it's next to cathay.
all green-ness.


Saturday, August 8, 2009

I Like This Picture

Its so Obama-ish.

How About A Game Of Taiti?

Pictures of Cards,

I think that they are quite photogenic in a way,

meaning that photos of them can look beautiful,

and amazingly classic and timeless in black and white.



I don't get it,

everyone loves it,

I can't even play it.


I wanna learn how to play taiti.

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Tales Of National Days, Ice Creams and Movies.

Yes, yes , yes , yes , yes .

I can post photos today atleast, from my account. Okay, I have a lot to blog about.... but I should mention, I am currently watching watching a movie called Solar Attack on 5, (yes, I watch 5 sometimes. In HD) And it's pretty awesome, it's about the end of the world, sun shooting fire at us and we can't do anything about it thing, (oh my gosh, me and watching a movie about the end of the world) but seriously, it's fascinating.



so It's that time of the year again,

national day is back!

And we had to take photos, of the singapore identity. Wow, what fun. Okay, okay, it wasn't that bad. At the end of the day, we saw all the photos and then.....

we got coupons to go get a free scoop of icecream from Swensens!

Those pictures of icecream which are making your mouth water, yeah,

we had those,

Erica, Crystle and Me. 



Okay, I have a lot more stuff to say.

Another post maybe.

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Thursday, August 6, 2009


What A Moth Might See From Life To Death,
If Black were White and White were Black.

- Stan Brakhage
go watch his videos.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Dancing In The Rain.

Dancing In The Rain,
In India,
When The First Drops Fall,
You Realize,
That The Sky Is Crying,
Tears Of Joy,
For You,
While You Dance In The Rain.
I miss India,
Can't wait for the holidays after the end of year exams,
so that I can go back and visit.
I will be in India,
Dancing In The Rain.


Is it just me,
or does everyone
on this earth
start something
with a lot of enthusiasm.
And then suddenly,
it all dies down.
Not gone,
no, not completely,
but the beginning magic,
it's not that magical
at the end.



I found some pictures online for rakhis. These are the strings that are ties around a brother's hand by his sister.

These are pictures of rakhi's and aarti thalis and diyas and stalls and more rakhi's.
There are super colourful and there are so many of them to choose from.
So yup,
thats it for now,
I actually have a lot to blog about,
Thats gonna take up time.
Oh whatever,
I like blogging,
it's fun.

See you soon,
most probably,
i feel so random.


Raksha Bandhan!

Today Is Raksha Bandhan.

A Festival we Indian Celebrate!

Okay basic info -

sister ties a rakhi on her brother's hand

and then brother gives sister a present.

That is not it.

There is a lot of significance to this action,

which I will explain later,

cause I have to go,

I have guests!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

what the sixth post, this girl is crazy!

Permission to Fly,
I have it, and I am going to use it.
Watch Me Fly,
Way up High.
picture from -

Vicky is right,

I really have nothing better to do right now at home, but wait I do, its homework and thats not necessarily better.

I tried posting pictures.

Did not work, and they were such nice pictures.


Whats wrong with the world. Nothing.

It's just my perspective, I guess.

Can't wait for school tmrw, digital art and stuff(:


I dunno why thats made me so very happy.

Okay, I am going to try and post one more photo.....

Here goes nothing...
and now, it works,
oh great. just brilliant.
good night to anyone who is reading this.


Happy Friendship Day!
well, belated cause it was the day before but still.

I kinda actually forgot it was even friendship's day, can't believe i did.
I know I said the previous post would be my last one, but I had to write about this and wish my friends.
This day is so commercial but it means a lot, I mean it's a day where you appreciate your friends and thank them for being there.
So here is a thanks to all my friends(:

Come to think of it,
I don't know if anyone knows my blog even exists.
Well they will soon.

Credits for photos - RameshBabuKV - flickr
Naj - Flikr.

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whats this, my fifth post in a day?

I cannot post any pictures on this thing for some really weird reason.
And I don't have a tagboard thing.

I think I will stop blabbering now.


You know how they say time flies,
it doesn't when you are sick,
one day is like an eternity.

And then there is homework,

First day of blogging is probably the only day people write so much.

Being Sick

You know, when you are feeling sick and not in school,
you start to wonder what you friends are doing in school right now.
Like its 2:15 right now,
they are heading of for specialized arts right now,
and I if I were in school, I would be off to ceramics to make giant chess pieces.
Oh man,
I wish I had never gotten fever.

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so the template thing worked,
and know I officially have a nice blog.

Now, the real blogging.
WHere to start from.

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So now I finally have a blog, with one post one it,
I tried for so long to get a nice template but none of them worked untill i figures out this really stupid mistake I was making. Bah.
SO now hopefully this thing works.
Just have to wait and watch.

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